The Gneiting's Corner
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Move your boogie body

If you are looking for a good exercise video -
here it is.

I saw this on one of my friends websites and thought it was hilarious. What is even more funny is the fact that I actually exercised to something similar to this back in the day. Oh the memories! The 80's. . . the good ole days!

What was I thinking . . . what were they thinking???
So sit back, relax and ENJOY!!

Well I don't know about you but
HOTDOG - I think I'm going to get my "Boogie Body" moving after watching this.


Gooch Family said...

It's amazing how my waistline is already feeling thinner after Boogie Body! Wow that was quite the workout!

camandholls said...

I can't stop laughing!!!

Romney Family said...

That it too funny!!! It reminds me of watching my mom do aerobics and jumping on the rebounder when I was little~Classic!!

hmmm said...

HA! I gotta snatch this & share if ya don't mind!

lalalalalalove it!