The Gneiting's Corner
Welcome to our little corner of the world!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The pictures are finally here!

We finally got the pictures from our photographer. So this post is dedicated to
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gneiting.
We are all so happy for you both.
Enjoy every moment of your new life together because time goes by so fast.
Always remember how happy you are today!!!
You are absolutely the happiest and cutest newlywed couple I've seen lately.
I love you!
~Mom Gneiting


Scott and Amy said...

yeah!!! were married!!!!! i just love the slide show, the pictures look so good. everytime i look at the pictures i get chills because i remember how stiken cold it was out there. and i will have to say i did a pretty good job at hiding how col it was. thanks mom love ya!


Romney Family said...

those pictures are so great!! what a great photographer you guys had. They sure look like a happy and in love couple!! It was so fun to see pictures of your girls also. It seems like ages since I have seen all of you. It broughtback good memories from Montana seeing pics of them!!