Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just a few of my thoughts

Obviously we all love blogging.

It is such a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I enjoy so much going to all of your blogs and seeing what you are doing and how your families are growing and changing.

It is so nice to keep in touch with family members that normally I wouldn't see or talk to very often. And yet through your blogs I know you and your families as if you live right next door.

I have been able to reconnect with friends that I haven't seen in years and now, through your blogs, I feel as though I am all caught up on what you have been doing for the past 30 yrs, and it seems like we are still as good of friends as we were way back when.

New friends or old, good friends or acquaintances - I love you all and you touch my life each day in some way through your blogs.

Some of your posts are informative ~ some are creative and fun.

It is fun to go to different blogs and see how you have "decorated" them with your own personal touches.

Some of you have recipe blogs that I use all of the time. Some of you have links to other fun blogs and websites that I enjoy going to. Thanks for sharing! It is amazng to me that we have this technology and that we can be a part of this blogging world.

In the Ensign this month is a great article on blogging. It is entitled, "Finding and Sharing the Gospel Online" and you can find it HERE.
It talks about how we can do even more with our blogs and make a difference one post at a time.
Some of the topics are:
* Blogging about the church in Everyday Life
* Being a Blogging Missionary
* Creating Blogs about Full-Time Missionaries
(Here is Mindys blog if you are interested in following her)
* A Strong Medium for Sharing Testimony
* Safety tips for Better Blogging.

I encourage you all to read this article and maybe we can all find ways to use our blogs not only to uplift and strengthen each other but to also use them to reach out and share Heavenly Father's love and truth of the gospel.

"We have entered a new age of technology, so we have new avenues of missionary work open to us. With a little creativity and boldness, we can help others to learn more about the gospel." ~quote from 'Be a blogging missionary'


  1. I love you Carol! Thank you for that! It's so true. Technology is amazing these days!! I love it because its another way that I can journal...especially with my crazy schedule right now. :S

  2. I read that article too Carol and I have been thinking of ways to incoporate and share my testimony of the gospel in my blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!! You are a great example!!!

  3. I read that article too and agree that we need to use our blogs for righteous purposes. Thanks for the great reminder!


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