Thursday, September 24, 2009

I will return. . . . .

. . . Someday

. . . maybe around Dec 18th

. . . . . when this semester is done!!!!!

But for now. . . . . .

all I do is

. . . .homework. . . . . eat. . . . . . read . . . . .read. . . . . . go to class . . . . . . eat. . . . . . homework. . . .
. . . . . read. . . . . more reading. . . . . . write papers. . . . research . . . . . . homework
. . . . . . sleep ( very little) and more homework and more homework and more. . . . .

Ok ~ you get the point!!!!
check back soon. . . . .


  1. Hmm, sounds familiar!! Oh wait, me too!!! AHH! 12 more weeks! Wahoo!

  2. good luck with all the homework and school stuff!!

  3. The price you pay to be so brainy!!

  4. It's nice to be continuing your education, but, oh the WORK. Good Job doing it! We know Geri from out here in Mud Lake. When we first moved here she was like 16 and her parents invited us to dinner. They are one of our adopted families. Her parents are moving soon though :(
    It is a small world!!!


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