Saturday, October 10, 2009

Food Storage

Do your food storage shelves look like this?

Would you like them to look like this?
I have been feeling lately like I really need to get on top of my food storage. But sometimes it just seems so overwhelming and like such a big task. But with the way things are in our country right now I think it is more important now than it has ever been to be prepared. We have been told for years to have our food storage and for the first time in my life I am actually feeling like it is possible that we may all actually need to fall back on it for one reason or another.

One of my friends (thanks Sam I hope you dont mind me sharing) had a post on her blog about this very thing and she had a link to a Basic Food Storage Plan that is do-able, affordable, and not so overwhelming.

By the end of 52 weeks you will have:
700 lbs of wheat, 240 lbs of sugar, 40 lbs of powdered milk, 13 lbs of salt, 10 albs of honey, 5 lbs of peanut butter, 45 cans of tomato soup, 32 cans of mushroom soup, 15 cans of tuna fish, 10 boxes of macaroni and cheese, 500 aspirin, 730 multiple vitamins, 6 lbs of dried yeast, and 6 lbs of shortening. This should sustain 2 people for 1 year. All for only $5.00 a week. (Add $5.00 for each additional 2 people in your family.)

You can find the list HERE.

I just wanted to share this with you all. I am going to get started on it right away. We never know what the future has in store for us yet we have no need to fear if we are prepared.

If any of you have any other great ideas about food storage or even 72 hr kits please share.


  1. I've been feeling like I need to get one going. One of my friends told me about couponing. I've been doing it for about 6-7 months. We have SO MUCH food!! It is crazy the deals you get. The good part about it is you stock up on one thing at a time when it is CRAZY cheap. If you are interested some of my favorite sites to follow are,, and I LOVE how affordable it is and will never shop regularly again!!

  2. WOW! Thats amazing..Jay and I felt the SAME way! We have what we can (we cant fit a lot in our apartment)like TONS of Ramen noodles, water and canned goods. But I will definately keep this, what a great idea!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you posted this Carol! :] I don't mind at all! :]

  4. Thanks for the link! We have been trying to do this for a while but it can be so hard! Thanks for the information!

  5. I love food storage and I love all the good crazy coupons deals like, Annette said. thanks for sharing the link!!

  6. We did an Enrichment on food storage a few months back-we used that link, too! It really is so easy to do and so important now I think, too!


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