Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools Day scare . . .

I got one of those types of phone calls you hate to get -

I almost had a heart attack from it - 

Had a few hours of worrying

We had a little baby scare -

But it looks like everything is Ok - thank heavens!!

It's gonna be a long time until August!

Go Here to find out what happened!


  1. I am so glad everything is okay! What a scare! How can we get this day banned?

  2. I hope every baby of theirs isn't like this! Too stressful! I can't imagine what they go through day to day. Glad everything is ok.

  3. What a bad scare I pray everything continues to go well the rest of Amy's pregnancy!!

  4. tell them it will be over before they know it and they will have a sweet little baby in home with them! I dont know why we have to do what we do to get these kids here but it all worth it in the end.


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