Saturday, April 4, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes . . .

If you want to put a smile on your
face today go HERE.


  1. I wish they still had that show, I loved when Cosby did it. I guess all you need to do is talk to some Sunbeams at church and it's the same thing. They really say the funniest things! I love it.

  2. Um I would love to do a gneiting girls trip!!! that would be so much fun!!! plus it was fun talking with you yesterday:)

  3. This is so cute! I had to watch all the youtube videos that came up under "funny things kids say."

    Thanks Carol!

  4. I just love little kids. It reminds me of last summer when I taught 6 5-year-olds in primary. You've always got to be on your toes when they're around you never quite know what to expect.


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