Friday, March 27, 2009

Introducing . . .

. . . baby Gneiting #2

Aren't ultrsounds awesome!!!

This is my 2nd little Grandchild

Scott and Amy Joy's baby at 19 weeks.

They have decided not to find out if it's a Boy or Girl until he / she is born.

Amy is feeling good and is doing well on her bedrest.

Baby is growing nicely.

August is going to be a wonderful month!!

I can't wait!!!


  1. Carol, this is so exciting! Can you believe all of the detail we can see in the picture? What a sweet little grandbaby! Just waiting for all of those grammy hugs and kisses...

  2. That is so crazy, it almost looks like one of those drawings from a book! Wow! Congratulations, I bet you just can't wait!

  3. that is so exciting, wish them luck and they will be in our prayers..

  4. I will have to say that Ultrasound is AMAZING!!! Hopefully when you come down you can come to an ultrasound apt! I have one once every 2 weeks! I can't wait for you to be able to watch this little baby while scott and I go off on adventures ;) love ya can't wait to see ya in a couple of weeks.

  5. How exciting for your family Carol and espeically for Scott and Amy! It's amazing what ultrsounds look like now days!


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