Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Surprise Surprise

When we got to Scott and Amys house for Christmas we were sitting in the living room visiting and all of a sudden Scott said, "What do you guys think of the Christmas stockings Amy made?"

Amy is so creative and did such a good job making them. They looked so cute hanging on the wall.

She had made one for Joe and I.

And one for her and Scott

One for baby Joseph

And even one for the dog in the shape of a bone.

But wait . . . what is this?!?!?!
Hanging right in the middle of all the stockings????

hmmmmmm. . .

could it be?!?!?!
Coming attraction!
Arriving sometime in August!!!
Yippee!!! We can't wait!!!!


  1. those stockings are ADORABLE!
    and YAY for the baby!!!

  2. Congrats on the new grandbaby! I am always so amazed by others creative abilities! Sometimes I wish that I could sew but then...other times...its great to just go to the store!

  3. That is so exiting!! I will be praying for you guys that everything goes well. Congrats Grandma!!

  4. Wow! That is happy news- I hope all goes well- what a cute way of announcing it. She must be a creative, and obviously crafty gal!

  5. These stockings are so cute!! I'm so excited for you to get another little one. Babys are wonderful - especially when you get to be the grandma!

  6. Oh! Congrats on being a Grandma again!
    That is amazing!


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