Saturday, January 10, 2009

I will miss you daddy

Have you ever had a day when you have felt both saddness and happiness at the same time? 

Well today was one of those days for me.  

Today my 94 year old dad passed away.  It wasn't too much of a surprise when I got the call from my brother.  We were kind of expecting it to happen soon.  But it is still a little 
shocking when you hear the words that your parent has died.  

So, this has been a day of mixed emotions for me.

I'm sad because I wont get to see him again in this life.

Sad that I didn't get to spend more time with him the past few years.

Sad that my kids didn't know him better.

Sad that he died alone without me or my brothers with him.

Sad that we all have to get older, (which is starting to scare me a little bit.)


I'm happy that he isn't miserable and lonely any more.

Happy that he is reunited with my mom and his parents and brothers and sisters, etc. (Can you just imagine the party they had as they welcomed him home?!!)

Happy that we got his house cleaned out and everything else taken care of last summer so we don't have to worry about it now.

I'm so Happy that Joe and I got to see him at Christmas.

Happy that I was able to tell him how much I love him and hug him and kiss him just 3 weeks ago.

Happy that he was as healthy as he was right up until the end and that he died peacefully.

And so
happy to have the gospel and the knowledge that our family can be together forever.

Today I've been thinking about him alot and I have so much to be grateful for.

I'm so grateful to have had the greatest dad in the world.

Grateful that he taught me so many wonderful things.

Grateful that I was his special little girl that he called "Toad".

Grateful that I had him in my life for 51 yrs.

I celebrate his life, his accomplishments, his example, his love, his legacy.

My life has truly been blessed to have "Wimpy" for my dad. 

I dedicate this to him.

Dad, I will miss you but I look forward to the day when we can see each other again.

Dad, I love you tons!  Oh . . . and will you tell mom hi for me and that I love her & miss her too when you see her!!


  1. I second all that mom. Love you let me know if we can do anything for you. Grandpa left a great legacy!

  2. I love seeing pictures of Grandpa. It makes me sad that I didn't get to know him better. But,I love hearing stories about him. I am so thankful to know that,like you said, families can be together forever.
    I love you mom!

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one (no matter the age) is hard. However, your post was perfect, loving, and sweet & proof that his wonderful attributes live on! Our prayers are with you.

  4. I hope you enjoy the funeral. I wish we could come. I'll definitely miss grandpa but I'm happy for him. Yes I agree, they probably had a nice party for his arrival!

  5. The beauty of being a member of this great church is that we know that we will be together forever. you are in our you guys...
    my mom wants to know when and where funeral will be...

  6. I'm glad you guys were able to make the trip down and see him before he passed! Maybe he felt complete then! I'll see you guys this weekend, Todd and I will be coming up.

  7. Wow Carol- what an awesome perspective you have! That is just what I'm feeling! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. He sure seems like a sweet man! I'll keep you in my prayers!

  8. i am sorry. but you have the most beautiful outlook.
    i am so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel.

  9. Carol, I am sorry to hear that your father died. You have such great insight to what is important in life and the next life. Kathy

  10. This is beautiful Carol. It made me cry and gave me the chills. You have such a strong testimony of eternal families and it is so true. We will be with our families again if we just do our part. :)
    I love you!


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