Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A special day

On Sat we went to Utah to my dads funeral. The weather was very chilly and we were all freezing, but the spirit was strong and that warmed our hearts. 

One thing that made it a really special day was that my family (Joe, 4 of my 5 kids, my two brothers, my sister-in-law, and 9 out of 13 of my neices and nephews) were together for the first time in about 15 years. We really had a good time just visiting and catching up. After the service we had a really nice luncheon and just sat around and talked and laughed remembering Grandpa and good times we shared with him.

All of the cousins had a really good time getting to know each other (I'm not joking when I say that we really haven't seen each other and been all together for many, many years). We all felt like we don't want to wait so long to see each other again and so we are going to try to get together again soon (and not at a funeral.) Thank heavens for blogs so we can keep in touch with each other until then.  Here are a few pictures.

My brothers and me and our families (the ones that were there)

My family (minus Hollie & Cameron and Amy Joy. We missed you guys)

My brother Gary, & Kristina and Lars

My brother Tom, his wife Margie and Todd, Heather, Chad & his wife Beth
(Ryan, Tyler, and Erin weren't there - missed you guys) 

Me and Mindy with Grandpa :)

Scott, Rhiana, Mindy and Amy

This is one of my dearest friends Ada and her daughter Staci 
with Mindy and Amy

We have been friends for 30 years and she came and surprised me at the funeral. 
It was so good to see her.

It was a special day! And I am sure that my dad was looking down on us all with pride and I'm sure he approved of everything that happened that day


  1. Carol: I just located your blog - we are so sorry to hear about the passing of your father! You and your family are in our prayers and thoughts. You have some great pictures of your brothers and your father. (Sherri(Jones)Ellsworth and Beverly Jones - she is here visiting me and says hello and wants to say how sorry she is about your father too.)

  2. aw carol! i'm sorry to hear about your dad! thankfully we have the gospel in our lives to know that life only gets better! i hope everything is well for ya, considering! and congrats on being a grandma again!

  3. I'm so glad that it was a nice day. We love you guys

  4. How fun for you to be with almost all of your kids!!It looks like you guys had a good time despite the circumstances of a funeral.

  5. Hi Carol: My email address is: Sellsw97@aol.com I would love you to keep checking in with me and I will do the same to you. You and Joe have such a wonderful family! I am so happy for you.
    It was great to see pictures of your dear father and the rest of your family! Love, Sherri

  6. I'm glad that you guys had a good time. I am bummed I wasn't able to make it out. I went and brought Josephs flowers that same saturday so I guess I was at a graveyard the same time you were. I hope your doing ok. Love ya mom.


  7. So sorry to hear about your Dad. David says hello also. He remembers tee peeing your house and your Dad coming after him and Bronn and throwing a rock at them! Funny!


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