Monday, November 17, 2008

WAIT! Let me get my camera!

Ok, I admit. . . maybe I've become a little bit obsessed with blogging. (Ok - maybe more than a little, but not much.)

I wake up in the middle of the night and sit and ponder on what to blog about. (Do any of you do that? . . . come on be honest).

And I'm always wanting to get a good picture but usually never have my camera with me when an opportunity presents itself. (I need to hook my camera to my keychain.)

So. . . today when the perfect blogging moment arrived . . . and my camera was close . . . I just couldn't miss out on the opportunity.

(Even at the expense of my dear sweet husband) Honestly honey. . . I love you and I would never put you or your physical well-being in jeopardy just to get a perfect picture for my blog.

But really. . . even you have to admit my dear . . .
It was a priceless moment!

I'm not sure how it happened (a little over-exuberant morning stretch maybe) . . . and I'm glad you're okay . . . sorry it took me so long to take the picture (while the blood was running to your head) . . .
. . . but uncontrollable laughter slows me down.
Oh . . . and thanks for being a good sport and waiting while I captured the memory!
(How's your head?!)

A picture is worth a thousand words!


  1. I thought the kids got their silliness from you but i guess i'm wrong! ha ha!

  2. that is too funny!! You made my night with that picture!! So glad Joe was a good sport for you!!

  3. Great picture/post, that is so funny!!!

  4. Oh Carol! This is priceless! It made my chuckle out loud. :) Glad he is okay!



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