Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beautiful Morning Skies

About a week ago we had some really beautiful sunrises. I love that time of the morning. It is so peaceful and quiet. And yet I think it is so majestic at that very moment when the sun actually appears over the mountains. This was one of those mornings. I love how the clouds look and the color of the sky. It looked almost as if the whole sky was on fire.

I took these pictures over about a 20 minute time frame. I thought it was interesting how the clouds and the colors changed so quickly. I thought about running in to wake my family so they could see the beauty but I knew by then it would be over.

It made me think about life's special moments and how quickly they come and go and if we don't pay attention we may miss them.
The cloud filled skies can bring stormy weather, they too can bring beauty beyond imagination. Just like the skies, our lives are filled with storms that challenge us along our way, but even in the midst of the storms we can find moments of joy and happiness. . . and it is those moments that bring us hope and faith.
We need to make sure that we don't let our lives just pass us by with out recognizing the joys along the way. Those little things can be great blessings in our lives if we truly learn to appreciate them and then give thanks to our Heavenly Father for them. 

Life is a journey. . .not a destination!

"Life is like an old-time rail journey . . . delays, . . . sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. 
The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
~Pres Gordon B. Hinckley~

Next week we will gather with our friends and families for fun, food, and festivities. Lets make sure that we take time to remember all of our blessings, great and small, and give thanks to our Father in Heaven for filling our lives with them . . . helping us enjoy this journey we travel.  


  1. Beau-TE-ful, Beau-TE-ful,
    Beau-TE-ful. Love this post.I was just reading Pres. Monsons Confrence talk, "Finding Joy in the Journey". I loved when he quoted Meredith Willson "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays". I like that quote because it makes you realize that you need to find joy in what you are doing right now and to be thankful for all your blessings.

    oh yeah, great pic of dad, i couldn't stop laughing.

  2. I love that talk too. Thanks for reminding me about it. I think I'll go read it again right now.

  3. Oh- those seriously make me homesick! I miss those Idaho... wait southeast Idaho sunsets! So beautiful- there is nothing like that! Enjoy them lots for me!

  4. that is very beautiful, and i can't believe you were up so early to see the sun rise!! that is impressive. and i can't belive that thanksgiving is in like a week and a half ahhhh i can't believe that. love ya have a fun thanksgiving!

  5. Thanks for always sharing the amazing scenery photos and your testimony with us!! we truely do need to be thankful for all we have even the small little moments. Thanks!!

  6. These are absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for the thoughtful material as're so fabulous!


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