Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ok I can't wait any longer!!!

I know it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. . . and I've always hated the fact that the stores start decorating for Christmas way before Halloween.  And usually by the time Christmas actually gets here I'm really sick of it all and can't wait to get the decorations down and be done with it all. 

AND SO . . . 

I'm probably going to really be sick of it by Dec 25th since I'm doing this so early.

BUT . . . 

I'm really feeling the Christmas Spirit already.  I'm not sure why. . . and don't get me wrong. . . I will still be looking forward to and enjoying Thanksgiving too. 

BUT . . . 

I've been listening to Christmas music now for two days.

And . . . 

I couldn't hold back any longer. . . I just went ahead and changed my blog to reflect my mood.

SO . . . 


Lets enjoy this time of the year and see if we can find the true meaning of the season. . . 

. . . in our hearts and with our families!!


  1. My XM radio is permanantly on the "Holly" channel and my I-Pod has been playing constant Christmas music since Sunday. I spent most of the day yesterday wrapping presents. I already have sugar cookies and two dinners in the freezer for "when the kids come home."

    I win. ;) Oh wait...If only my name was 'Christmas' CAROL!

  2. yeah for the x-mas spirit. My sisters get into it early and I would too if my husband would not be such a scrooge about it. He doesn't like it up until the first of Dec.

  3. Alright!! I love Christmas! It's just too exciting to only enjoy it 25 days of the year.
    (P.S. How did you catch your mice in one day? What's the trick?? We've got traps and poison all over, but haven't seemed to snatch ours yet!)

  4. yeah i love christmas!!!! it is so much fun!!! and i just love everything about it. i'm happy that you are already in the spirit. scott and i can't wait to have you over for christmas it will be so much fun!

  5. I started listening to Christmas music last week also! Love it! Hey, I lost my Christmas card list, can you send me your address?

  6. yay! now i know the blog to go to to listen to get us in the spirit!


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