Monday, November 10, 2008

This eight year old Kentucky boy is an above the knee amputee following cancer that he had when he was one. Amazingly, he has been able to play sports like baseball, football, and soccer. He does not wear a prosthesis because it slows him down when he is playing. He plays as a catcher while squatting down on his right leg and is able to pop up from that position without any strain. When he hits the ball he is able to hop nimbly to first base and then continue running the bases after being handed his crutches by his coach. What an inspiring athlete!

If you need to be inspired today you need to watch this amazing kid HERE.


  1. Whose blog led you to my blog? Isn't it amazing how one can link around the world from one site! I enjoyed all of your entries.
    And the frig, name her Manna White, from whence the food comes:)
    Love, Kathy


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