Thursday, November 6, 2008

Goodbye Old Yeller

When we first moved here 10 yrs ago we needed a refridgerator. The move had cost us alot of money so we thought we would just find a cheap used fridge to get us by for a few months and then get a new one later when we had saved the money for it.

Meet old Yeller

The reason for the name is that he was such a good fridge. . .and just kept running... so we just kept him. . . for 10 yrs. He had to have been at least 10 yrs old when we bought him. He was an ugly color, his front handle was broken (notice the duck tape), and at times there wasn't enough room for everything I wanted to put in there. But he was reliable and dependable. Just like a good friend. So when he finally gave up the ghost last week and quit working we weren't surprised at all, in fact we were kind of expecting it. He had been making strange noises and just seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. But we were grateful for a good appliance that had lasted so long. Even though it was sad to lose him and even sadder that we had to put out the money to buy a new fridge (right before the holidays-isnt that how things always happen) . . . it really was quite exciting. (It doesn't take much to get me excited!)

We shopped around, looking for the right one. The minute I saw her. . . I knew she was meant for us.
So I'd like to introduce you to our new fridge.

She is so nice and roomy. She has ice and water on the door which I think is such a nice luxury. :) And she is HUGE. We could barely get her in the front door and around the corner into the kitchen. Now I just need to save my money to fill her up with yummy food.

We haven't named her yet (send your ideas) and . . . we hope and pray that she is as dependable as "Old Yeller" was.


  1. what about pretty pearl? I love having a new fridge even if ours sits in our garage while we use the nasty one provided by the apartments. blah

  2. Looks good. She looks like a big bertha to me!

  3. Wow I can't believe you had that fridge for so long! It must have been a sad day. The new one looks great!

  4. yeah for new things! How fun but not fun to have to pay for them. Last year our computer, washer and tv all died. we got one paid off and then the next thing went out and then the next. It always seems to happen at the worst times.

  5. How sad! I am going to miss "Old Yeller"! I didn't even get to say good bye.

  6. i love this post carol!!! my parents went through the same thing a couple years ago and we were all so glad when it happened!! I think we had duct tape on our handle too....

    Oh! and I love your recipes, as always!!!

  7. I posted my frig comment under the baseball player. Sorry. I am fairly new at this.

  8. Nice fridge! I love those water things- it just makes you feel a little spoiled! You deserve it though after a long wait! Congrats!

  9. lookin nice!!! i can't wait to see the new fridge!!!


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