Friday, November 21, 2008

TAG!! I'm it!!

Well I've been tagged by my friend Roz. This is my first time and this one is fun and actually easy. No having to think of clever answers to weird questions about myself. Here's the rules: I just had to go to my 4th photo folder and post the 4th picture.

So here it is:

This is a picture of me (I think that I was about 9 yrs old) and it has been hanging on the wall in my dad's house for years (probably since it was taken.) Wasn't I a doll!!! lol

Anyway. . . my dad is 94 yrs old and has lived alone until recently when we had to move him into assisted living. I went to AZ to help clean out his house so we can sell it. My daughter took this picture of my picture hanging on the wall. I am now the proud owner of this GORGEOUS picture of myself (broken frame and all).

So there you go . . .
and now I TAG:

Amy Joy Gneiting
Hollie Kuehne
Courtney Herd
Laurene Jackson
Lydia Stewart
Sam Mendez


Remember: Go to your 4th folder and post your 4th picture and tell us all about it!!

For the rest of you: Please VOTE on my poll at the right! Thanks.


  1. that is an awesome picture of you!! I love it!!

  2. that is an awesome picture of you!!! so B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! love ya

  3. oh yes this is now my 3rd time surfin!!! i am amazing ha ha ha ha!!! i'm goin out tomorrow too that will = 4 times. yeah!!


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