Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Travel update

The past few weeks have been crazy busy for me. In a nutshell this is what I've been doing. . .

1) -I drove 3200 miles, through 5 states, in 2 1/2 weeks.

2) -Visited with over 100 relatives and friends.

3) -Went Boogie Boarding at Newport Beach in California.

4) -Shopped and shopped until I dropped (or at least ran out of money)

5) -Went to Sea World - Shamu Rocks!!

6) -Spent alot of time laying by the pool soaking up the wonderful CaLiFoRnIa rays!

7) -Gained 10 lbs from eating at so many Yummy restaurants! And it was worth every bite-World Gym here I come!

8) -Was in an EarthQuake!!!

9) -Went to a faMily reuNion.

I have had so much fun, but glad to be home, I'm exhausted, I need a nap!!!


  1. WOW, take a long nap!!! it was alot of fun having you here with us. love ya

  2. Wow you have had quite the summer! Lucky!

  3. Yeah mom it was good having you with us. you need to come back and sit out at the pool with us. I know how about the time the baby comes and then maybe you can help change diapers and stuff like make dinners and whatever.

  4. Sounds like our summer...too much driving! It was good to see you guys. Congrats on the grandson on the way!


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