Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008 - A Sad Day in Our Family

Just thought I'd let you all know that Scott and Amy lost their sweet little baby boy. He was born 4 months premature this morning. Everything was going fine but on sat afternoon all of a sudden Amy doubled over having major contractions. They rushed her to the hospital and by the time they got the contractions stopped she was already dialated to 4. One third of the amniotic sac had dropped down into the vagina and then eventually the cervix closed over it. They had specialists look at her and they just said that trying to push everything back up in was just too risky for Amy. They said that there wasn't anything else they could do. So they took her off of the medication that stops contractions and she eventually went into labor. Anyway. . . he was born at 1:30 this morning and he was 10 inches long, 10 oz and he was perfectly formed. He passed away a short time before he was actually born. They spent many hours just holding him and taking pictures. Mindy and Amy's mom were there with them the whole time. I was on the phone with them most of the night.

Anyway, they are doing ok, but it is a hard thing to deal with. You can imagine the grief that they feel. But I am so grateful that we have the gospel to give us strength and the knowledge that we can all see this baby again and that they will be able to raise him some day. They named him Joseph Scott (after his daddy who is Scott Joseph).

So I am finally a grandma. This wasn't quite how I planned on welcoming in my first grandchild but he is my first little sweetheart and I love him so much. They sent me a couple of pictures and I just think he is the most beautiful little thing I've seen. I just wish I could've been there to hold him.

Please remember them in your prayers to help give them the strength, understanding and comfort they will need in the upcoming days.

I love you Scott, Amy and little Joseph Scott!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your guy's loss. I could not even imagine lossing a child. I am so grateful for the gospel to know that we will all be reunited with our loved ones again. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Carol, I am so sorry for your family's loss. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. What a comfort the plan of salvation is. What a blessing to be part of eternal family!

  3. Carol-

    So sorry to hear of Scott and Amy's loss. They are so lucky to have such a supportive family right now.

    Kyle Parker

  4. What sad news! I am so sorry. That is a really hard thing. We'll keep you and them in our prayers. I'm sure with a person a sweet as you, you're sure to be blessed with a bundle of precious grand babies!

  5. Carol,
    I'm so sorry to hear the news. We are so blessed with the knowledge of the plan of salvation! Your family is in our thoughts and our prayers.
    Jinny Davis


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