Tuesday, July 29, 2008

5.8 Earthquake

I am visiting my son in California and we just experienced an earthquake here in Orange County. The epicenter was about 30 miles from Scott and Amy Joys condo. The house was really shaking. Kinda scary! But we are all OK, phones seem to be jammed right now as the whole world is calling to see if everyone is OK. If you have tried to call and couldn't get though we are OK. 5.8 is scary but not enough to bring down buildings. They have been told here that they are due for a big one and usually big ones start with ones about this size so it was a bit scary.

I was outside doing something and so I didn't experience the shaking as much as Amy Joy did in the house and Scott did in his office. Life here seems to be back to normal but the national news is still making quite a big deal about it. We are waiting to see if we feel any after shocks, hopefully we wont. I'm leaving to head for home tomorrow so this is quite an exciting way to finish my vacation.

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