Tuesday, July 8, 2008

California is calling . . .

Well I'm getting ready to head out on another trip. This time Rhiana and I are driving to Arizona to spend a weekend with my family. I will get to see my dad (who just turned 94 yrs old) and my brothers and their families. I am really looking forward to seeing all of them.

Then we are heading to sunny California to see Scott and Amy Joy. This is my first visit to their home since they got married. (Sorry I don't have a pic with Amy Joy in it in front of their house)

I can't wait to see them and spend time with them. I am really excited to be with Scott on his birthday too, first time in almost 10 yrs.

We are also looking forward to spending alot of time on the beach and soaking in the California sun!

I can't wait to eat a turkey burger at TK Burgers

and also shrimp tacos at Wahoo's to just name a few of the fun things I have planned.

Dont worry - I'm sure I'll be posting pictures along the way so keep checking back.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer!


  1. Wow! You guys have gone on SO many trips lately! I'm jealous! I actually don't think we'll be heading down to Tucson though. We were just down last weekend and right before that as well. Dang! Who knows though, we seem to always go down there last minute since Dave's summer schedule isn't as rough as the Fall and Spring.

  2. Looks like a blast! I hope that you have fun visiting all of your family!

  3. we can't wait to have you here in cali!!!! its going to be so much fun!!!!! my little sister will be here at the same time too...its going to be a PARTY!!! and we will also see you in arizona i believe... oh were just so excited to see you.

  4. What fun to be able to go on a trip with Rhiana. That is amazing your dad is 94. How fun to see so much family!! what fun to get to soak up the sun in Cali. The kids and I are going To Cali in two weeks to stay with some friends and we are super excited. Hope you have fun!!


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