The Gneiting's Corner
Welcome to our little corner of the world!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Ever since I was a kid I have loved looking at clouds. Do you remember laying on your back in the grass on a warm, lazy summer day looking up at clouds trying to decipher shapes, faces, animals etc? Those were the days! Clouds are amazing things. They can cool down a hot summer day and bring a gentle warm rain. But anyone who has done much cloud watching knows that they can change quite rapidly. Within minutes a cloud can change from a white puffy looking marshmellow to large, dark, boiling, monsterous thunderstorm bringing with it wind, rain and lightning.

I took these pictures of the clouds yesterday from my yard. What started out as a nice, cool, cloudy day ended up with a night of heavy rain, flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder. Even though the dogs ended up under the bed, shaking with fear, we turned off the lights, pulled up the blinds and enjoyed the light show.

they float, drift
sail on the wind
don’t need anchors
know tempest and calm
hide moon and stars
rain on our parade
enhance sunrise and sunset
depress us
inspire us
make us want to see beyond.


judi said...

Your pics remind me of what our summer skys are supposed to look like! Remember the beautiful Montana Sunsets out your front window? Now the sky is hidden bacause of all of the smoke from the fires. I'm sure it will be well into fall be fore we see them again. Love your pics! I checked out Hollie's blog and the pics of our incredible kids! Who dressed them anyway? Judi

Carol said...

Hey Judi, I have heard that Montana is crazy with fires. Hopefully they will get them all under control soon. About our kids . . .well what can I say . . .those years all seem like a big blur to me. . .but it looks like the memories are captured forever in film. I think that if we asked there would be alot of other interesting things our wonderful kids did that we had no clue about. . . but I don't think I want to know! :(