Monday, July 13, 2009

Sister Gneiting

We had a wonderful day yesterday!

It was Mindy's farewell. All of my kids, except my son Scott and his wife, were here and it was fantastic!!
We had so much fun together.

Mindy gave a beautiful talk and testimony. She was pretty much the only speaker and had to take 25 minutes. I was worried for her but I didn't need to because she was filled with the spirit and she taught us and touched our hearts and spirits. I know that the Lord needs her to serve this mission and I know that she will do great. I have no problem with letting her go. I will miss her terribly but I am looking so forward to her letters and every other great thing that comes from having a child out serving the Lord. But I'm really not looking forward to taking her to the MTC on Wed though and dropping her off at the curb. That just sounds so harsh. But I think it will be better than the old way of going inside to the "Mothers Torture Chamber" (as my friend calls it - LOL!!!) just to stretch out the agony of saying goodbye. I'm glad that they have changed that policy.

She is so anxious to just get going that I am more happy for her than sad for me.

After church we went over to the park and had a nice luncheon with many friends and family. It was perfect weather and we all had a very enjoyable time. Then we visited with relatives at our house for most of the afternoon. Then at 6:00 Sunday evening she was set apart as a full time missionary with all of our kids there (minus Scott & Amy Joy ~ we missed you guys!) to witness it. The counseler in our stake presidency did it and his counsel to her was very inspiring. He gave her a beautiful blessing when he set her apart. He told her that she would have angels surrounding her and guarding her every minute. As he said that I had a picture come into my mind of my parents and Joes dad, who have all passed away, standing there with her.
It was so absolutely comforting for me and it gave me great peace. Just one of the Lord's tender mercies given to mothers of missionaries.

Then we came home and topped off the night with root beer floats and watched the DVD of Pres Monson.
It was such a super great day.
As usual, I took my camera but forgot to take any pictures until everyone was gone and we were just cleaning up from the luncheon. Here are a few of the family:

Mindy with Cameron and Hollie


A couple of weeks ago Mindy and I were in Utah and we went to a place called the Sister Missionary Mall to shop for mission clothes. We were there about 3 hours and we had a great time picking outfits for her. The gals that work there and other women and future missionaries shopping all enjoyed watching her come out of the dressing room with each outfit on. She got alot of things that she can mix and match, layer and un-layer.....which makes it more fun.

Tonight she did a fashion show for us of some of the clothes that she got. See if you can count all of the different outfits she can put together. I personally think that she is going to be one of the best dressed sister missionaries out there. Enjoy the fashion show!

How do I tie this scarf??

Ready to hit the streets of Russia!!

Waa laaa!!!!! 3 outfits with just a little layering!!!

What can I say? I Love purple!!

Another 3 outfits in 1!!!!!!


We are so excited for Mindy and know that she is going to have an amazing experience for the next 18 months. I know that the people of Russia are going to love her as much as we do, especially as she brings to them the joy of the gospel and the love of the Savior.

We love you Sister Gneiting!!!!


  1. HOw fun and so exciting!! I love her skirts!! they are so cute!!I might have to go there just to get a skirt that is long enough!

  2. She looks awesome! I know that she will make a great missionary!

  3. Jessie they have alot of cute stuff and the lady that was working there said that alot of girls and women that aren't going on missions shop there. Give it a try!

  4. Carol you make me cry!
    Your testimony is so strong and you are such an example to me.

    I'm so excited for Mindy! Give her all my love.

    p.s. "Mothers Torture Chamber"...

  5. Glad everything went so well! Wish we could have been there also. Good luck seeing her off tomorrow :)


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