Friday, July 17, 2009

The MTC - Land of the Missionaries

We left on Tuesday to head to Salt Lake City to take Mindy to the MTC. It was just Joe and I because no one else could get away. I really wasn't looking forward to dropping her off, especially at the curb, it just sounded so harsh. Plus I hate to cry and I knew that I would be a blubbering idiot and that I wouldn't even be able to talk.

She didn't have to go in until noon on Wed. So we woke up at our motel and spent a nice relaxing morning just talking and going over everything to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything important. We gave our last pieces of advice to her. Then Joe gave her a father's blessing and we had our last family prayer with her, well at least for 18 months. It was a calm, relaxing atmosphere. There were tears shed but not uncontrollably. The spirit bore witness to me that she is ready, prepared, and heading to where the Lord wants her to be at this time in her life. I know that He needs her and she is going to do great things.

I am so grateful for that peace and comfort.

Then we loaded up and headed for the MTC. As we left our motel Joe pulled into a Carl's Jr. restaurant and pulled up next to a car that had Rhiana and Amy in it. They had gotten up early and drove down to see her off.
It was a nice surprise.

We got to the MTC early so we could park and walk around and take some pictures before she had to go in. Then when it was time we all piled into the car and drove into the MTC. They directed us to the curb in front of the main building. They checked her arrival on a list and two nice Elders unloaded her luggage. They took pictures of us and then after some quick hugs and good lucks, and good byes they whisked her off quite quickly. She was gone and out of sight before we even got back in our car.

They were very friendly, efficient and fast. It was much better to do it this way rather than going inside and feeling the strong spirit that is there, and crying and crying
and just dragging on the agony of saying good bye. It is one time that feeling the spirit feels like torture! LOL
Even though saying goodbye is never easy - this definately was a better way of doing it.

We are so proud of Mindy and I know that the people of Novosibirsk Russia are going to love her as much as we do. We have heard that they are a sad people with no hope. I am so greatful that Mindy can serve the Lord and the people of Russia by bringing them hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of the Savior.

If any of you would like to write to her she would love to hear from you.
For the next 3 months her MTC address is:

Sister Mindy LeAnn Gneiting
MTC Mailbox # 189-0928
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Here are some of the pictures we took.

Heading to the MTC.

Rhiana and Amy following behind.

Being the great photographer that I am.........The only picture I got of her standing alone in front of the sign...........and her eyes are closed. Ughhhh!!!!

Daddys baby girl is all grown up!!!


Trying not to cry!!!!!

Do you think we have spent enough time at the sign?
Just posponing the inevitable of taking her inside!!!

More pictures ....... more delaying!!!!!

Having fun helps keep the tears away!!

More fun........

.........and more!!!!!!!

Even the dogs came to send her off!!

Only moments away from drop-off time!!

One last picture in front of the MTC.

Getting instructions before being whisked off into the Land of Missionaries!!

Bye Bye!!!! See you in 18 months!!!!!
We love you Sister Gneiting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Carol. I think you should have left the dogs and brought Mindy home. :) J/K

    It's gonna be a fun, inspiring, heart wrenching, incredible 18 months. Good Luck!

    Love you friend. SMILE.

  2. Wow what an experience to have your daughter leave on a mission. Your family looks like so much fun!


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