Saturday, June 6, 2009

What a pain!!!

Well I was gone for 2 1/2 weeks on my trip visiting Hollie and Cameron in Philly and Scott, Amy and Mindy in California.  I had a great time and have so much to blog about.  I even took alot of pictures to post.  But it will have to wait for awhile.  Last Sunday, the day after I got home from traveling, I threw my back out.  So I have been in bed since then.  The Dr. thinks it is just a bad strain along with severe muscle spasms.  He put me on muscle relaxers and pain pills.  I think it is slowly getting better but I have a hard time sitting up for very long.  Needless to is rather difficult to do much on the computer.  So, for now, blogging is on the back (no pun intended) burner.  I'm just grateful that it didn't happen while I was traveling across the country.  There's no place like home and your own bed when you don't feel well.     


  1. Ouch! So sorry about your back! I thought that I had problems with mine! Stay in bed and enjoy the treatmetnt! Glad you had fun on your trip!

  2. oh carol! i'm so sorry to hear that! i can only sit for a little bit too, but i think my situation is a little different than yours! AND the only good thing about it is you get to have pain meds! i hope you feel better soon!! take care!

  3. That sure is no fun!! i hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to see all you vacation pictures!!

  4. Wow, sounds like you had TOO much fun and threw the back out! Sorry :(


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