Thursday, June 11, 2009

Should we be nervous?

Many of us have gotten into this new fad of posting photos of our families and other things about our lives on our blogs and facebook etc. It is fun to see everyones families and it helps us all feel closer to each other. Technology is such a wonderful thing. Or is it?
Today I read an article about a family whose family picture was stolen and used on a store window for advertising in a foreign country. After reading this article I got to thinking that maybe we should all rethink how much of our information we want to put out into cyber space. Once we put it out there, we cant take it off, and it is out there for all the world to do with as they please. That is kind of a scary thought. This particular incident in this article ended up being an innocent situation - no real harm done. But the potential for what could happen is sorta frightening.
I'm curious to hear what you all think about this. Please read this article HERE and then come back and tell me what you think or give any suggestions of how we can avoid having this happen to us.


  1. I saw that earlier today. I think the internet is a powerful tool...good and bad. I think that there are precautions we can take if we want to completely avoid things like this happening, such as making our blogs private and not putting anything too personal on social networking sites. It is a scary potential.

  2. Ya your right Carol. It scares me alot and I am thinking of going private but still even that I don't know. I have heard of many cases like this actually. I probably shouldn't post any pictures of my nieces and nephews anymore I guess.

  3. it is scary to think who could be reading all of our stuff. I think it is important to just be careful we don't put to much info on our blogs or go private.

  4. Ya that is pretty scary. I think Roz has a good idea. Maybe I will go private cuz I don't just post photos of Rob and I... I post photos of everyone!

    I heard a scary thing about cell phones. There was a mom and her daughter that were getting harrassing calls over and over on their cell phones for several months. The people on the other line would say things like: "I'm gonna kill you two"... "I can see you"... "I'm going to rape your daughter"... and they even left voicemails of recordings of the mother and daughter talking. They tried changing their numbers but it kept happening. Well I guess the FBI found out about a cell phone sypware thing that you can buy and spy on people. They got to read all of their texts and listen in on their calls. The scarriest thing, though was that the spy program even allowed the stalker to turn on the speaker of the woman's cell phone when she wasn't even on it and listen in on their conversations that WEREN'T over the phone!

    AHH! Its crazy.


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