Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where in the world . . .

. . . is Mindy going on her Mission?

Yes, that's right! My baby girl is going on a mission.

She has submitted her papers

and now we are just waiting for her to get her call.

So take a guess - where do you think she is going???


  1. How exciting about her mission!! I have no idea where she's going but I'll venture a guess...how about Nashville, TN.

    We got the pictures from stores in each of the cities...just by shopping around to find ones that we think best represent the place that we lived...but the rule is that it cannot just be skyline photography, something creative. I'm pretty sure that you can find them online....

  2. first of all-WHAT!! HOLY COW!!!THAT'S AWESOME!!! K so my guess is somewhere in South America- Venezula or Chile, some where like that. * I better get a good prize for winning!

  3. I am horrible at this! I would have to say New York! I don't know why... its what popped in my head! Good luck with the waiting! That can be torture!

  4. That is so excitint! Yeah!!! Hmm...let's see, my guess would have to be- Spain! We'll be excited to hear. Also, thanks for the updates on Scott and Amy- we have thought of them often.
    ps. make sure to enter the giveaway at cottagequotes.blogspot.com ;)

  5. I say she is going to the best mission on earth. The good old NMAM New Mexico Albuquerque Mission.

    If she goes out of the country then i say France.

  6. I think Little Rock Arkansas, we need her very bad!!!!! and we would love to have her here. That is so great tell her congrats and that we cant wait to here the good news!

  7. Czech Republic or texas!!! that is what I guess. Plus thank you for the website for church art. it is what i was looking for!! thanks a million!

  8. I can't believe how fast time goes! I would guess stateside. That is about as specific as I get!

  9. Okay, Mindy, I guess the Philippines.

  10. Congrats Mindy, that is so awesome. Beth and I are going to guess Salt Lake City, UT Temple Mission. I know, not that exciting of a guess, but Temple Square is always in need.

  11. Good for her! She'll be a great missionary! I'm guessing Japan... you never know. :)

  12. Wow I can't believe Mindy and I are so old! I'm married and here she is going on a mission! We're growing up before our own eyes. :]

    P.S. My guess is NEW YORK.

  13. Ha ha I laughed at the comment you made on our blog. Don't worry if we slip up and find out what were having you will forsure know bye a phone call and not by our blog!!! love ya!


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