Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drum roll please . . .

da da da dum . . . .

Mindy has received her mission call . . . . 

She will be serving in the 

Russia Novosibirsk Mission!!

She will enter the MTC on July 15.

We are looking forward to learning all about this area.

Here are a few facts that we have found out already:

General information on the city of Novosibirsk:
The third largest city of Russia
Location – middle of Russia 
Unofficial capital of Siberia  
Area - about 500 square km 
 Population – about 1,5 million people

It is a large cultural center with many museums, a lot of churches and cathedrals, 
beautiful historical buildings & monuments.

Here are some pictures that I found online of the buildings in the city.

We are so excited for Mindy!! 
We think this is going to be a great experience for her!!!
If any of you know anything about this mission please let us know!!!


  1. What exciting news. I love the photos, what intriguing architecture and style. What an interesting culture to experience.

  2. Wow! That is so exciting! Congrats!

  3. Yeah yeah yeah mindy!! were so excited for you!! Russia huh I think it may be a little bit freezing!! I gues living in Rexburg has prepared her for a cold mission;)

  4. The pictures you posted are absolutely beautiful Carol. Your daughter is going to have a wonderful experience. Not only is it beautiful there, I am sure the weather is harsh, but thankfully, she is used to being around cold weather coming from Idaho! Do you and Joe think you might want to plan to go pick Mindy up in 18 months from July? How exciting for your whole family and especially for Mindy!

  5. HOw exciting!! good luck Mindy and you parents as well!!

  6. Russia! wow! that is way exciting! She'll be able to bring so much culture home with her :)

  7. I knew it wouldn't be your regular type mission, Mindy. You are the "stand out in a crowd" type. Congratulations.
    I wonder how long it would take to get a batch of cookies to you?

  8. Wow, that is so exciting, congratulations!!!

  9. Congrats Mindy that is great. I am so excited for you guys. good luck on getting ready for everything!

  10. Wow, such great news, congratulations!


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