Friday, January 2, 2009

Fun in Vegas

Our first stop on our trip was Vegas. The main reason we went was so that Joe could go to the BYU vs Arizona Bowl game with a couple of friends.

Even though it wasn't a great game for BYU, Joe had a great time. They had excellant seats - 14th row on the 42 yard line. You can't ask for a better view than that. I have to say though that I was secretly cheering for U of A (don't tell Joe!) I had to be loyal to my roots!! haha

While Joe was gone to the game I met up with my niece and spent the evening with her. We went to a great place for dinner and then we did some shopping. Then she took me to a candy factory that had a neat Cactus Garden all lit up with Christmas lights. It was really different seeing Christmas lights on cactus. I don't think I would want the job of putting them on or taking them off. But I'm grateful that somebody did because it was really pretty.

We stayed at the Excalibur Hotel. I think the lady that checked us in liked us so she gave us a beautiful room on the 27th floor with a great view of the strip.

(this pic is courtesy of the internet. I forgot to take pictures)

We didn't do any gambling or go to any cool shows (I guess we are kinda boring) but we had a fun stay in "sin city" and it was a great way to begin our vacation.


We went shopping in Newport Beach to a really cool outdoor mall and in the middle of the mall was this HUGE Christmas tree.

You can see in this next picture that Scott tried to take the picture with us and the WHOLE tree in the shot . . . but it wasn't easy to do since the tree is so BIG!

I took this picture standing at the base of the tree looking up.

It is a real tree that was cut down at Mount Shasta, CA. It weighs 20,000 lbs and is 115 feet tall. It took a 10 man crew 2 weeks to decorate it. There are over 23,000 lights on it and 17,000 ornaments.

(We didn't get to see it at night,
but I found a picture online that I posted below)

This next picture was taken from the 3rd level of the parking garage. Look at how tall that stinkin tree is!!!! It is the tallest Christmas tree on display in the U.S. Unbelievable!! How would you like a house big enough to hold that tree??

Christmas in California was definately different - with no snow and being so warm. But when I saw this tree it really helped me get in the Christmas spirit. It was a spectacular sight.


Amy made cute stockings for us

They had their house decorated so festive

We made sugar cookies

which Santa loved by the way!!!!

We got a lot of nice gifts including a really big surprise 

a 42 inch flatscreen TV from all of our kids.

We had so much fun spending Christmas with Scott and Amy.
They really made it special for us.

Thanks you guys - We had a blast!!!!!


  1. Mom it was so nice having you here. I wish i wasnt so sick thw whole time. Im still not all the way over whatever i had. Well we cant wait for you guys to come down in the summer again. We will have to do the beach and maybe even Disney Land.

    Love you

  2. Looks like you had so much fun. we need to get ada and bob to come and be with us for the holidays


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