Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Vacation

Joe and I spent the Christmas holiday traveling. It was just the two of us and we really had fun being together and visiting with family and friends.

We were gone for 11 days and we traveled 2500 miles.
We traveled through mountains (and blizzards)
to the desert and then to the ocean.

We drove

and drove

and drove some more

until we were just exhausted.

But it was so worth it. We had a blast!!

We went from one weather extreme . . .

. . . to another

We saw beautiful scenery

and fabulous sunsets (you know how I love sunsets!)

We stayed in fun hotels

And pigged out on scrumptious food (Sorry I don't have any pics of the actual food - I was too busy enjoying it!!)

We saw some of our favorite people and did a lot of fun things.

Stay tuned for more posts of what we did while we were gone.


  1. HOw fun to go on a road trip for x-mas!! I love all the scenery photos!! I can't wait to see more pics of your fun adventure!!

  2. Mom it was so good to have you here. Time to start scheduling your next trip down.

  3. I'm pretty sure you guys have traveled the United States this year, well last year now I guess. I bet it was nice to get away from the cold for a little bit. It was really good to see you guys and talk, since it has only been about 15 years, ha. And you should feel like that lion being cooped up in your car for so long traveling! :) Happy New Year! This was my first official year of going to bed before midnight, I think that's a sign of getting old...not good.

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