Monday, December 1, 2008

Let's get this holiday PARTY started!!

And what better way to do that than with Joe and I becoming CHRISTMAS ELVES!!! As you can see we have been working on learning some new dances (and we are even thinking of trying out for the next season of Dancing with the Stars.) 
Let us know what you think of our sweet moves?

I know this went around last year but these dances are different.  Have fun "elving" (is that a word?) yourselves and your family too by going HERE. 

Anyway we also want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this holiday season.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

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  1. ha ha ha ha that really cracks me up that is funny!!! way to dance mo and dad lookin great!!! so young and agile, is that how you spell it? any ways thanks for the laughs you two look great!

  2. Hey Carol- I loved the dances! People always ask me how I get Kyle to agree with me putting up all this weird stuff with him and I tell them that he really doesn't have that much of a choice- it looks like that's how you guys are too! Way to go!

  3. Those are too funny!!! You got some mad skills.

  4. Mom that was so funny. Cant wait for you to get here. Love you Scott


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