Monday, December 1, 2008

32 years and headed to eternity!

It started with two . . .

. . . And then they were one!

After 32 years. . .

. . . Look what we've become!

We're still having fun

And Joe, you're still the one! Happy Anniversary! Love ya lots!


  1. 32...woop woop! happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! Man, how fast has this year gone. I swear it was yesterday that you posted about your anniversary last year!! Time sure flies. Hope you have a great day!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! We love you guys so much!!!

    I can't believe it is already December, this year flew by.

  5. Mommy and Daddy, Happy Anniversary!!!!! your are such good examples to all of us. Thanks for all you do and for teaching us to be the most amazing kids anyone could ever dream off, haha. We cant wait for you to get down here for Christmas. We are going to have so much fun. Leave your coats at home and bring lost of shorts!

  6. What a great post!!! Happy Anniversary. Hope you guys have a great day!

  7. Happy Anniversary! That is a LONG time! Way to go :)

  8. Happy Anniversary Carol and Joe! You guys are such a good example of how marriage should be- keep it up!

  9. Congrats you guys! Way cute blog post as well.

  10. Congrats Carol and Joe! It was good to see you over the weekend, if only for a minute. Please keep your promise and come back again soon.

  11. Congrats!!! Love the pictures! I'm so glad to be in touch with you guys! love ya


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