Thursday, May 1, 2008

President Monson Ear Wiggle

This was in the Priesthood session of conference. What a great sense of humor from a great man!


  1. Look at you be so techno savy- my mom has not dared to venture into the blogging work yet. :) I'm impressed! Cute blog- I'm also glad you posted this- I heard about it but never got to see it so this was great! I had seen holly's blog before but is has been a while so I'll have to check it again. Thanks! Also- it seems like I had heard from someone that you might be interested in Republican Womens- was that you or am I thinking of someone else? If you still are I would be happy to give you more information. We need more members and it is a great thing to be involved in I think. Well, Hope you have a great day.


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