Sunday, April 27, 2008

A day in the Big Apple

We drove from Philly to Staten Island and

caught the ferry to lower Manhatten.

We saw the Statue of Liberty and of coarse

the beautiful New York City skyline.

One of the first things we did was find Canal Street where all of the street venders are so we could buy $1000 look alike Dolce Gabana purses for 20 bucks.

(I'm not sure if this guy is a purse salesman or a plumber! Sorry for the view!)

This is Wall street

and the New York Stock Exchange.

This is as close as we got to the Empire State building but I thought that this was a cool view of it.

Then we jumped on the subway

and headed uptown. Our first stop . . .

. . . Central Park.

It was really pretty and huge. There were so many people enjoying the beautiful park and weather.

I loved it. This one one of my favorite parts of NYC.

A few of the other things we saw~
Break dancers in the park -

Trump Tower -

Where they film David Lettermen (would have liked to go to a show but didn't have time)

The Hello Deli (wanted to eat there but it had just closed for the day.)

And of course - Times Square.

I couldn't believe how many people there were. As the day went on the streets got more. . .

and more . . .

and MORE crowded. It was crazy!

Of coarse we had to try New York Style pizza (it was yummy)

And we finished off the day with the best cheese cake around. (I'm not sure who that couple is next to Hollie and Cam but they enjoyed getting their picture taken!)

There is way to much to see in New York City in just one day so I hope that I can go back some day and spend more time. But we had a blast and it was a great experience visiting the BIG APPLE.

Stay tuned for our next stop - Washinton D.C.


  1. We miss you guys!!! Come back soon. We really had such a fun time with you and dad. I can't wait tell we live closer. Only one year left....yea!!!!!

  2. New York looks like it was so much fun!! The cheesecake doesn't sound bad either!

    I hope you have just as much fun in DC.

  3. holy cow!!!! you guys did so much stuff... but if you come and visit me and scott then you will do even more fun things because we are so much more fun than hollie and cam ;) we miss you guys its been almost two months sinse we have been married. WOW. you guys are awesome love ya!! and i love your blog how did you get such a cute back ground? i think i need to take blogging lessons form you.

  4. mom!!!!!! how are you!? Im glad you had so much fun on your trip. we need to see some more pictures. I hope all is well. Love ya

  5. wow, i guess my wife was looking at your blog at the same time as i was hahahahhahaha thats funny.

  6. it looks likes you guys had such a great time!! I am so jealous. I have always wanted to go to new york. Maybe someday!!


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