Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finals Week!

I showed this picture in January and I said that I had no time to blog because I had to read all of these books for my classes this semester.

Well, my semester is winding down and I'm getting ready for finals. And I actually DID read all of these books!. WOW! It has been crazy for the past few months trying to keep up with everything - school, my family, wedding preparations, etc. But in one week I will have a 5 month summer break before I start back into my senior year next fall. I can't wait! It's going to be party time all summer!!

And then I will also be able to find time to do more blogging. I haven't been the best at keeping up with this blog stuff. But don't give up on me yet, keep checking back and hopefully I will have more posts.


  1. What a great feeling you have when you know a break is almost here!! Good luck with the finals and I am excited to see all the fun things you blog about over your 5 month break!!

  2. Wow great job on getting your school done! Good luck with finals! And yea I'd like to see that picture. Its fun trying to see which parent the kids look like. Oh and by the way, Todd and his wife had their 3rd daughter today. I hopefully get some pictures posted when I go see them.

  3. Amen for finals! I can't wait until this semester is over (with the exception of not going to Sister Bergstrom's house!).

    I think it is so awesome that you are going to school! I graduate next year as well! We'll graduate together! Yay!


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