Tuesday, March 18, 2008

They are MARRIED!!!

Scott and Amy Joy were married last Friday. It was a great day! Here are a few pictures taken at the temple. I will post more when we get them from the photographer.

We had our luncheon at Craigos Pizza Restaurant which Scott is a part-owner of.

Look at more pics HERE


  1. Yay! Happy day! They are a stunning couple! I love her dress!!

  2. They look so great together!! And they look so happy!!! How exciting!! I am sorry that I wasn't able to come to the reception. I was going to and then Alyssa woke up Saturday with a fever so I decided I better not!! Anyway, Congrats to them and you guys!!

  3. oh my goodness mom this pictures look so stiken good!!! i love them scott showed me he bolg and i about died. your awesome and the reception was so much fun. you made it the best day ever thank you so much for all you did to make it so amazing. i love you.

  4. Hey Mom and Dad this is your favorite son, Scott. Ha-ha ok so I’m your only son but if you did have another I am fairly confident I would be the favorite. Hey thanks again for such a great reception. We all loved it. Everyone commented on how fun it was especially the fun idea with the dancing at the end. We all just rocked out!! Amy and I didn’t even want to leave :) ha-ha. Well...;).

    I’m excited that you’re going out to see Hollie and Cam. I hope you and dad have a great time.

  5. Congrats to the newlyweds! THey look like an adorable couple.And what a cute proud mom you are! So much fun for everyone! Can't wait to see more pics


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