Thursday, March 4, 2010

To go private or not to go private

It seems that everyone is "going private!"

I told myself that I wouldn't!

But now I'm thinking about it!

There are strangers looking at my blog!!

And leaving weird messages!

Who are they? What do they want? Should I be scared?
Or are they harmless bored people?

Kinda freaks me out!

But I'm still not sure what to do!!

I want to protect my family ~ especially my little grandbaby and my daughter
living in a foriegn country.

But I know it's more trouble for you to have to
log into a "private" blog.

Will you still come check in on me once in awhile?

Tell me what you guys think.

Should I or shouldn't I??


  1. I had the same exact thoughts as you but realized that with what my husbands job is I don't want that to make us more of a target. I will for sure still check your blog!! Good luck in the decision making. It was a hard one for me!!

  2. I understand completely. The reason I went private was because I had put a counter on my blog and I was getting hits from Sweden, Australia, and other random countries...made me nervous. I would check in :)

  3. as long as you invite me I will be here!

  4. As soon as Rob and I have a baby we will go private. :]

  5. Whatever you decide, let me know so we can check in on you!!!

  6. should!!! I did it!! we will still check on you as long as you add us :) love ya mom

    love amy joy

  7. I would if I were getting wierd comments! Definately! I will still come read your blog!

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