Monday, January 25, 2010

Top ten ways NOT to visit teach!

Well its the first of the year and many of you probably received new visiting teachers or you were assigned a new visiting teaching beat.

Visiting teaching is a serious and important calling, and one that should be considered with the utmost gravity. No joking allowed.

Over and over we've read lessons, listened to talks, and prayerfully considered how we can improve our visiting teaching.

Today, however, I'd like to help you by sharing just a few humorous ways NOT to make your service to your sisters a little better. As you evaluate how you are doing with visiting teaching, make sure that you are NOT doing one of these things.

If you are, well, I'll just grateful that you are not my visiting teacher!

1. DON'T schedule all of your appointments for the 32nd of the month. (That's what happens when you wait to call until the 30th and then schedule them all for 'the day after tomorrow'.)

2. DON'T ask the sisters you visit teach to give the lesson.

3. DON'T use the phrase, "Well, enough about you. Let's talk about me!"

4. DON'T ask the sister you visit teach when she plans to bring you dinner.

5. DON'T ask them to skip Relief Society so you can visit teach them (this is especially true if you or they are in the Relief Society presidency).

6. DON'T let your preschooler redecorate the walls of the home to include crayon sketches.

7. DON'T ask, "So are you pregnant, or have you just put on a lot of weight in the last month?"

8. DON'T fall asleep while your companion gives the lesson. Even worse, DON'T fall asleep while you're giving the lesson.

9. During the prayer, DON'T ask Heavenly Father to 'please help her be a better person - she needs all the help she can get!'

10. And, most important of all, DON'T put off your visiting teaching! Your sisters need you - and you need them!

(by Nola Redd)


  1. your funny, once agian I am going to steal this.

  2. I agree with the above comment...totally stealng this!! HAHAHA, thats hilarious, thanks for the tips!!

  3. Visiting teaching is overrated!!

    Love Chad


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