Sunday, December 20, 2009

A weekend of lights and music and seeing special people!

Last weekend Joe and I went to Salt Lake City for a couple of days. We met up with our daughter Amy when we got there and took her to dinner for her birthday and then we went to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. It was so beautiful!!! We were also celebrating our 33 wedding anniversary which was on Dec 1 because we were married in the SLC Temple. It was a gorgeous evening and we had a really good time. Here are some pictures from our evening together.

Then on Sunday morning Joe and I went to the conference center for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. We got there real early and when we found our seats we were only 7 rows from the stage and we were smack dab right in the middle. The 6 rows in front of us were for dignitaries and important people. (We missed out on being important by one row!!!) Anyway we were just sitting there listening to the choir warm up when all of a sudden everything got really quiet and everyone stood up. I knew instantly by the feeling in the room that the prophet, Pres. Monson, had just walked in. Sure enough he was there and he actually sat directly in front of us on the front row. We were only 6 rows behind him. It was so special to see him there and to feel of his great spirit.

After the concert he got up and went up on stage and he presented the special guests, Natalie Cole and David McCollough with a gift and let them say a few words. Of coarse they both went on and on about how wonderful it was to work with the choir and to have that opportunity to be there. Then they were asked to turn around and look up to the choir so that they could sing a special song for them. Then the choir sang, "God be with you til we meet again." It was so inspiring and there wasnt a dry eye in the place. It was a wonderful experience to get to go to the concert and to spend the weekend with my "honey" in the place that we "tied the knot" so many years ago. Here are a couple pictures of the choir and Pres. Monson.

President Monson presenting gifts to the special guests. (Sorry it is blurry)

President Monson leaning over talking to his daughter. He was so close!!!!


  1. I love Temple square! Have a great Christmas, love you guys!

  2. :] AWW I love love LOVE temple square... especially during CHRISMAS!!! So the other day my mom comes up to me and says... "Guess who Carol sat like, six rows behind in temple square at the Christmas Concert?!" And I was like... "Uhh... President Monson, Mom! Old news!" HAHA I heard it on Facebook and she got peeved that I know things about you before she does HAHAHA It made me laugh. Needless to say, I think she will be using Facebook a lot more now. :]


  3. thanks for sharing your great experience in SLC and pictures. I totally enjoyed!

  4. What a beautiful temple.Very nice pictures. I love listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas music.


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