Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Russian Missionary

A couple of mornings ago I was checking my facebook and I had a "friend request" from a girl. I didn't recognise her name but I noticed that she was in the Novosibirsk Russia Network. So I accepted it thinking that it must be someone from Mindys mission. I opened her page and everything was written in Russian except the status at the top which was in English and said, "My baptism will be on Saturday at 3 o'clock p.m. Invite you! :-)" I was so excited when I realized who this was. Mindy and her companion have been working with a young gal named Donna. In Mindys recent emails over the past few weeks she has asked us to pray that Donna would decide to accept the gospel and be baptised. This was such a neat surprise to read on her facebook that she has decided to get baptised.

Then I looked at her photos on FB. And the first one that came up was this one with Mindy. (Notice Mindys shorter haircut)
So I made a comment back to Donna thanking her for putting a picture of Mindy on her facebook so that I could see her. She wrote back and said this about Mindy:
"She is great! we have a lot of fun! I feel S. Gneiting change my life! And that's sooooo awesome!!! And Mindey’s mom can be proud for daughter.
We love and take care about her."

Then she said. "you can watch the album called "awesome!!!!!!!!!" on my page." (Which I assumed she meant to go look at her photos again, which I did and she had just put up some new ones of her and Mindy.)

I think the one above is Mindy and her companion (on the right) with Donna.
And this one below is Mindy with one of the Senior Sisters.
This looked like it was a party of some kind with some of the local members.
(Mindy is on the left in purple. Donna is at the end of the table)

Then in Mindy's last email she gave me the address for a blog of one of the senior couples there in her mission. So I checked it out and it is really fun to read. They update it frequently so I will be able to keep tabs on what is going on thre. They write alot and put alot of pictures on which is nice for us to read and see and understand what Mindy is experiencing. (Thanks Elder and Sister Simmons)

This picture was on their blog so I kinda stole it off (I hope that was alright Elder Simmons :) This was taken at their zone conference they had recently. Mindy is the 4th from the right on the back row.

I believe that all of these things were once again little "tender mercies" that the Lord has sent to assure me that Mindy is doing well and is where she is suppossed to be and doing what he needs her to do. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father that understands us and knows how to comfort and send us peace. We are so pleased with Mindy and her desire to serve the Lord and we know that she is going to be a great missionary and that she is an instrument in the Lord's hands as she brings the truth and the Lord's love and happiness to the great people of Russia.


  1. How awesome is the internet for things like this!! Truely a blessing!! She looks so good!! I am sure she is a great missionary!!!

  2. Those pictures are fun mom. Its weird seeing my little baby sister as a missionary. Isnt she still like only 3 feet tall and still getting excited to get some type of candy when you take her to the store or something like that. Weird!! Its fun to see she is happy up there in the cold and what a great surprise with Donna. Donna will server her mission in Idaho just you watch.

  3. That is awesome! That will be fun to see updates.

  4. Mindy is certainly blessing many people's lives. What a wonderful opportunity for her.


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