Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Waiting and waiting. . . . . .

The BIG question of the day:

When am I going to have my grandchild?!?!?!

The answer: Hopefully Soon!!

For those of you wanting a "baby" update ~ Amy Joy is due 2 weeks from today.
We are all getting really anxious to meet this new little member of our family.

And no (the answer to the next question) we don't know if its a he or a she.

It is going to be a big surprise!!!!!
and we can't wait!!!

It's kind of ironic. Amy had surgery to sew her cervix shut, spent about 23 weeks on bedrest, had several scares with contractions and hospital stays, had meds to stop the contractions, etc.

NOW she is off of bedrest, off the meds, living life like normal, coming and going...........
.......and NOTHING!!!!
No contractions, no baby!!! (but we really are glad that this little one is still cooking and is gonna come out well done!)

I guess we can see WHO is in charge of their family already!!

What do you think??

When do you think this baby is coming?

And is it a boy or girl?

Let the guessing begin!


  1. I guess GIRL!!! we will see if the mothers instinct is right :) ok also mom I wanted to share this this delicious dinner with you. I bet you and dad would love it!! our friend evely made it for us while we were on bed rest and it is amazing! I had her get me the address so I thought why not share the wealth so here is a link to get this deliciousness!!! oh they are so yummy try them out soon you will be happy you did!!

    cant' wait to see you in a couple of weeks or sooner!!!

    Love, Amy JOY, the pregnant amy :)not to be mistaken with Amy LEIGH, the not pregnant amy :)

    ha ha love ya

  2. thats the link ha ha i forgot to post it ha ha.

  3. I hope a girl. It was so fun to see Scott while he was in Utah. Good luck to the family!!!also have fun


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