Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sister Gneiting

This is a picture of Mindy in the MTC after about 5 weeks. This is Sister Emily Hegerhorst, one of Mindys BYUI roomates who is serving a mission in Tennessee. This was the day that Emily was leaving the MTC to head out. I actually stole this picture of off Emilys website.

Mindy is doing well. She has 5 more weeks in the MTC and then she will head for Russia. She is getting really anxious to get out there and serve the Lord and the people of Russia.

If any of you are interested in following her I am posting her letters at: http://sistergneiting.blogspot.com/

You can also write to her at:

Sister Mindy L. Gneiting
MTC Mailbox # 189-0928
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793

I know that she would love to hear from you.


Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!