Saturday, July 25, 2009

Golfing buddies

About 4 yrs ago I told Joe that I wanted to learn to golf. I thought that it would be something fun that we could do together. So he started teaching me. I was really pretty bad at first. He felt sorry for me so he would always spot me several strokes so our scores would be closer and I wouldn't feel so bad when he beat me by alot. What a nice guy, right?

Well I kept working hard and improving and by the end of the summer I could give him a pretty good game all on my own without any extra help.
.......uh oh....... Not good for a man's ego!!!!!!

Well he started getting quite competitive and he would get frustrated when I would do good and almost beat him. (Wives just aren't suppossed to beat their husband in sports....right?
I can't help it that I seem to be a natural at golf.......and at bowling.....
............but that's a whole different post for later. hahahaha)

So we both decided that it would be much more fun if we didn't compete against each other and only compete against ourselves. So each week we only keep score so that we can see if we improved our own game. (Yeah right!!!!)

So after each game we total up our scores and see if we beat ourselves from the week before. Who ever looses (to themselves) has to buy the other one a milkshake. Sounds fair, right? .............hmmmmm

Today we went golfing!!!!

This is the first time for me this summer do to a bad back and shoulder. It felt so good to be back out on the golf coarse. I love it!!!
I only got a few pictures taken but here they are. (Just so you know.......don't tell anyone......Joe made me stop taking pictures after he started getting frustrated!!!!! I wonder why?!?! LOL!!!!!)

This is a funny picture. Where is Joe's golf club? It's there....somewhere....I promise!!

Taking a break for a drink. This is a beautiful coarse! We love to golf here. If you look really hard you can see a river in the background. it going in? close!!!!

I know - I know....I have terrible form. But whose looking?

Well ~ I'm not saying who had the best score.........

But look who is drinking water.........

Let's just say.........not only did I beat my score from my last game back in the fall.......

.........but I beat Joe by TWO STROKES!!!!!

Victory is SWEET in more ways than one!!!!!!

(In Joe's defense....he claims he was going easy on me since it was my
first time back golfing in 9 months.
Ohhh..........what a great guy I'm married to.
Wait till next saturday dear!!!!!!! I think I'll get a chocolate milkshake!!


  1. o mom that is funny. good to you you out on the course again!!! Maybe you can hit up the club when you come down for the baby.

  2. LOL!!!That is too funny!! Brandon and I use to play boardgames and cards together before we had kids and he would get so frustrated if I won and he lost!! Are darn competitive husbands. But what a great thing to go and do together!!

  3. Haha that is too funny! Way to go! You should have started earlier, it clearly runs in the family :)

  4. I think it's definitely damaging to a man's ego to lose, especially to his wife!! Mick always has some reasoning as to why he's lost something (which unfortunately doesn't happen too often.)

  5. I love how quickly you progressed as a golf player. I think your husband was quite surprised to see how good you got in such a short time. I hope you guys still play golf together on occasion since it’s a great way to spend some time together. Maybe next time, you can give him a pat on the back, and tell him that you’ll let him win a few holes every now and then, hehehe!


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