Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My greatest accomplishment . . .

. . . . being a mom to the best people ever!!!!!

Since Mother's Day is just around the corner I wanted to do something different this year.

My kids are always so good to remember me on Mother's Day and make me feel so special. 

This year I want to honor them and let them each know 
how much I love being their mom.  

~ Rhiana, Scott, Amy, Hollie and Mindy ~

You have always given me such great joy and I love each one of you.  

You are such good examples to me and I learn from you each day.  

The Lord really blessed dad and I when he sent you each to our family.  

Thanks for being the best kids a mom could ask for!!!!

Rhiana with Grandma Gneiting

Scott with his wife Amy Joy (love you too Amy)


Hollie with her husband Cameron (love you Cam!)

Hollie and Mindy



  1. Nice tribute to your kids! I'm sure they have a great mom too:) In answer to your canning question, we canned wheat, oats,sugar, rice, beans.

  2. O mom thats the nicest post ever. Thank mom. We love you and we are excited to honor you this mothers day as the best mother a kid could ask for.

    Love you mom we are so excited for you to come down here in a few weeks.

  3. What a sweet mother you are and I love seeing pics of all your kids!!

  4. We love you mom! Thanks for that post. I can't wait for you to get here. we are going to partAY Hardy.

  5. Carol no wonder your children turned out so awesome they have an awesome mom! What a kind and loving tribute to your children you wrote.


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