Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We need your prayers . . .

This entry was on Scott and Amy Joy's blog this morning. I just copied it right over so you all will know what is happening with them and their little baby. Please keep them in your prayers. We are praying for the Lord to let them keep this baby (which by the way is doing fine) and of coarse we are praying for Amy's health.

Ok Amy's surgery was today. We have been getting lots of calls asking how it went. Well we have come across a few little complications. I just ran home to get some stuff and am just about to head back to the hospital to be with Amy. I am going to make this a fast blog. But this way you all aren't wondering why we haven't called you back yet. We showed up at 10:30 am and the surgery was scheduled for about 12. During the surgery she started feeling everything they were doing and that wasn't good. They had to stop, remove all the surgical stuff and redo the spinal tap. The anesthesiologist said that in his entire career of over 25 years he has never had to do a spinal tap twice. So that was weird. We were told that the recovery is usually about 2 to 3 hours even with two spinal taps and that she wouldn't have any real pain because of the surgery. Well 6 hours after the surgery she had still not regained movement of her lower body and she was experiencing some major pain and contractions. On a pain scale of 1 to 10 she was saying it was a 7 to 8. The pain seems to be getting worse also. We thought we would be home by 3 or 4 at the latest today. We are now spending the night at the hospital. We are hoping the pain and any contractions slow down and stop. If things go the way we hope they do then we will probably be home before noon tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers and calls.


  1. They will be in our prayers, that is such a scary thing..please tell them we are thinking of them.

  2. We will definately be praying for you! I hope that everything works out for them this time.

  3. I hope everything is going ok since the post...keep us updated and we'll most definitely keep them in our prayers.


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