Saturday, January 31, 2009

. . . i'm back at it

some people call me 
. . . crazy . . . nuts. . . insane

others say . . . 
. . . i couldn't ever do that!    

to which I reply. . . 
. . . if I can do it - you could do it!!

and then they say . . . 
. . . oh, but i would NEVER want to do that!! (implying that i'm CRAZY again!!!)

and some people say . . . 
WHY are you doing it?

 . . . alot depends on my mood when i answer this one (especially if they keep insinuating that i'm CRAZY!!!!!!!!!)  

So pick the answer you would want to hear from me . . . 

a)    i'm not sure why i'm doing it

b)    cuz i'm CRAZY!

c)    i was inspired to do it

d)   to help me through my mid-life crisis

e)   cuz i need more face-book friends

f)    so i can be smarter than my kids 

then they ussually look at me and roll their eyes . . . ok, yes . . . thinking "she IS crazy!"

when people ask me . . .
. . . is it HARD?

I say. . .
. . . no, not really - - - time consuming. . . yes . . . but hard?  no, no, not at all!!!! 
(i wouldn't want them to think i'm CRAZY!!)

anyway . . . no matter what anyone thinks . . . 

. . . after a nine month break . . .

. . . i've got my nose in the books . . . . . . 

. . . and i am back in college . . . . full-time
. . . taking 14 credits . . . going 5 days a week. . . 

majoring in sociology with a minor in marriage and family studies!  

ok, Yes, I agree with you . . . I am CRAZY!!!

But I love it!!

and i'm almost done - - - only ONE semester left after this one
and I will have my bachelors degree!!!!  Yippee!!!!!

I know I can do it! I HOPE I can do it!!

so . . . people say to me . . . 
. . . what are you going to do when you are all done?

i smile . . . and with a sheepish grin (waiting for the CRAZY thought to show up on their faces again)

i say . . . what else???  

. . . . master's degree?!?!?


  1. wow!

    go Carol!!

    {you're not crazy, you're just driven.}

  2. Mom you are so awesome, crazy, but awesome!!!

    I really am so excited for you, and jealous. I want to go back to school. Maybe, someday!

  3. Go Carol!! I am so excited for you. I hope one day I will be able to finish the last two years of my schooling also. It will probably happen after my kids are grown and gone before I get it done. I rooting for yah!!

  4. WOW Carol. . .you go girl! Good luck this semester and I will be rooting for you when you go for the masters.

  5. That is so awesome! Good luck, it will be so exciting to have a bachelor's degree! I'm slowly, slowly getting there, too!

  6. FOOD FOR THE FAMILY is my secret recipe identity, I didn't realize I was logged in under that, oops!

  7. CRAZY!!!! your braver and smarter than me. I only have one semester under my belt....oops Loving that your in school I think that is cool and yes maybe even a little bit CRAZY but that is why I love you!!! good luck!

    p.s. if your in school how can you be my personal babysitter? how is taht going to work????

  8. Carol, YOU ARE SO AWESOME! Good luck with your last semester!!!

  9. Good for you Carol- and of course you can do it. You are one of the smartest old people I know =)!!

  10. You go girl - pretty incredible goals you have met and are working towards! You are an example to us all. (Sherri)

  11. good luck! and yes I think your crazy!!!


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