Thursday, October 9, 2008

Change is in the air!

Joe and I have been taking alot of drives to see the fall colors lately. It has been so beautiful and we are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty. These pictures were all taken with in a half an hour from our house.(Sorry these pics are so small - you may have to use your imagination to get the full affect)

The colors have been so fibrant and bright. This hillside looked like it was on fire. I don't think these pictures really show how beautiful it really was.

This area is just down the road from our house. For those of you that attended Ricks College/BYU-Idaho you may have gone bridge jumping at a place called "Monkey Rock". This is where these pictures were taken.

We even saw a huge Moose not far from our house walking through a field.

Today we went up to Island Park and West Yellowstone to do some business. It clouded up and this is what we had to drive through to get home. Well I guess fall is almost over here in our area. These pictures aren't very good but YES . . . you don't need to take a double take. . . you are seeing SNOW!!! OH BOY!!! I'm not sure that I'm ready for winter.

Luckily as we came out of the mountains back home it was sunny and just a little rainy. No snow here. . . yet! But I have a feeling that winter in the valleys is just around the corner. Brrrrr. . . I'm freezing already just thinking about it!!!


  1. mom those pictures make me miss home. I am probably coming up for business in a few weeks. I hope it still looks like that.

  2. I just love the fall. And those pictures actually make me miss living in the Rexburg area!!! How fun you that you can see all the beauty so close to your home!!!

  3. I can't believe there is snow!!! I think it's coming our way....oh no!!!

    I'm glad you got your prop 8 button up!! we need to spread the word!!

  4. Hi Carol!!!
    I'm excited you found us!! I love how most of us can still talk all the time!! I can't believe those pictures were taken so close to your house!! I hope you are doing well!!

  5. so in the blogger spot where you can add a picture, there is a space to write your title and caption, and also a space for a link. Link it to

    that should work!

  6. wow has it been forever or what? So glad you found me! Rhiana where are you??? What are you doing? - I have the wrong email address for you. Carol, my husband Ryan is back in school - he is studying at Buffalo State to get his Bachelors in Social Work and afterwards he plans on getting a master in Social and then a Master in Marriage and Family Therapy.

  7. Hi Carol! I found your corner, come visit mine from time to time!


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