Thursday, October 23, 2008

Book Review - Part two

(Ok I promise this post won't be as long as the last one.)

This is such a great book. I recommend it to all women everywhere!

If you are interested you can find it here.

Here are a few highlights that I enjoyed while reading it.
1. President Hinckley said, "In all living-have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured!"

2. Our lives can be filled with happiness & joy, but the choice is up to us!

3. Happiness is:

* Courageously doing what you want to do, even if you are scared.

* Experiencing your life as an exciting journey!

* Stimulating your mind and caring for your body!

* Realizing that you already have everything you need to make yourself happy!

* Knowing that you are the only one who can decide what is right or wrong for you!

* Accepting that you are okay even when you blunder and learn from your mistakes.

* Knowing that what people say or do is a reflection of them not you!

* Listening to your inner wisdom.

* Giving and receiving love unconditionally

4. Joy doesn't have to wait until all the planets are aligned, and all our issues are resolved, and our behavior is perfectly executed. Joy is here for us now. Joy is God's gift to us.

5. Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full. (D&C 101:36)
So toss the guilt and catch the joy - God's joy - that is our birthright!


  1. Great advice! If only we could all remember that we can be happy with what we have! :)

  2. hmmmmm. I think this might be my next purchase.

    (by the way: down further on the page there is the post "A new face at American Idol".... well. I clicked the link & it wouldn't let me go. but I'm STILL curious! so ya gotta fill me in!!!)


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