Friday, August 29, 2008

An Amazing and Historic Day in America

What an amazing day in the history of, not only our country, but in the history of women as well. This is a phenomenal woman who John McCain has picked for his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska. If you don't know much about her - do a google search. Listen to her V.P candidate acceptance speech, I am sure it will be on youtube and probably on John McCain's website. This choice is not only historic but it is brilliant on the part of John McCain. And it is my believe that the Lord has had a hand in bringing this wonderful, unknown, but strong women into the forefront of our countries politics. She is exactly what our country needs. This is going to kick this race and election into high gear and up to another level. I look forward to the next 67 days until Nov 4.

Please, get involved. Don't vote on election day without researching the candidates first. Be informed. Make a responsible choice. Our country and our children's future depends on us electing the right people for president and vice president. I think that the McCain/Palin ticket is the answer to our nations problems. They are the answer to "Reform - Prosperity - Peace." The race is on!!

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