Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We're having a BABY!!!!

Well not exactly. I'm not having a baby. But Scott and Amy Joy are!! Now I know what you are thinking. "Didn't they just get married?" The answer is "yes." I think the term for this is "Honeymoon baby!" And also "Yes they were on birth control." But obviously it didn't work!!! They had planned to wait for a couple of years. But the Lord had different plans for them and I guess this baby had waited long enough and wasn't going to wait any longer. So he/she will enter our family around Dec 29, 2008. Scott and Amy Joy are so excited and we are all so excited for them.

They have had 3 ultrasounds already.

So I would like to introduce you to my little grandson/granddaughter. These are his/her first pictures.

3 Weeks

6 Weeks

9 Weeks ~ I can't believe how much he/she changed in just a few weeks. From 6 weeks to 9 weeks the baby went from 10mm to 25mm and is actually starting to take form. See the head, arms and legs. Isn't it so cool!

Hopefully the next ultrasound will let us all know if it is a girl or boy. I'm thinking it looks like a little boy. What do you think?


  1. CONGRATS, Grandma! That is so exciting! I hope that everything goes well and that you get your boy!

  2. my mom and dad finally get to be grandparents. How exciting for the old farts!! It did take some time but they sure earned it. My mom used to call me from walmart when she would walk past the baby stuff and remind me that she had no grandkids to buy stuff for.

  3. Alisha-I will love a girl or a boy. And one thing is for sure - I will spoil it rotton-what ever it is!

    Scott-Old Farts?? hmmmm. . .you just wait - my SPOILED grandchild will be my revenge for that comment. :) I will spoil him/her - you'll have to live with him/her!!

  4. Oh how exciting!!!! And you know there is nothing wrong with having a baby right away. Alyssa came to us a bit sooner than we had planned also and we know that she was sent to us when we needed her. I am so excited for them and for you!! How do you feel about being a grandma?

  5. Congrats Grandma- You will be awesome! What a lucky grandbaby. Congrats to Scott and Amy too....babies are so fun and they look like a darling couple!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS CAROL!! That is incredibly exciting!!!


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